Subject: Re: Email about Turkish Brigade
From: "Harold Stockton"
Date: Mon, 5 Jan 2004 20:21:25 -0600
References: <> <002501c3d3e5$0cbb9f60$996cd444@fic400>
Reply-to: KOREAN-WAR-L@listproc.cc.ku.edu
Sender: owner-KOREAN-WAR-L@listproc.cc.ku.edu
Concerning the fighting abilities of the Turkish Brigade, here is what American officers said about that:
"In the course of the U.N. offensive and the Chinese counteroffensive, the 1st Turkish Brigade suffered 3,514 casualties, of which 741 were killed in action, 2,068 wounded, 163 missing and 244 taken prisoner, as well as 298 noncombatant casualties.
"The Turks, armed and trained by American military advisers, did better than even they had hoped or expected in this, their first real combat since World War I. The American units to which they were attached respected their skills and tenacity in combat. Some comments by American officers give insight into the Turks and their abilities. "They really prefer to be on the offensive
and handle it quite well," went one appraisal.
"They are not as good at defensive positions, and certainly never retreat." Another report told of their patrol skills: "Certain Turkish patrols always reported high body counts when they returned from patrols. Headquarters always scoffed at the high numbers, much higher in fact than any other unit, until the Turks decided to bring the enemy bodies back and dump them at headquarters for the body count.""
At: http://www.rt66.com/~korteng/SmallArms/TurkishBrigade.htm
This was written by A.K. Dawson and originally published in Military History Magazine December 1997. A.K. Dawson teaches history in Darwin, Australia.
And, "When ammunition ran low, the Brigade fixed bayonets and fought the enemy hand to hand. Today we honor that first of many battles fought by the Turkish Brigade in Korea. The Turkish Brigade went on to win two Distinguished Unit Citations for their gallantry during the Korean War."
Spoken by Ambassador W. Robert Pearson at the Wreath Laying at the Turkish Korean War Memorial on November 22, 2000.
At: http://usconsulate-istanbul.org.tr/korea/koreamb.html
Also on the same occasion, Major General Elmer D. Pendleton stated on
January 25, 2001 that:
"Finally I want to tell you two points about my thoughts of Turkish soldiers
because that's what this is all about:
A. As a soldier one of the things that i like about Turkish soldiers is that
they are trained to look you right in the eye.. No looking down at their
feet, no lack of confidence, but a feeling of pride in ones's self, one's
army and one's country..
B. Secondly, a popular American army song describing our army says it all
"it wasn't always easy and it wasn't always fair but when we were needed we
were there."
Life isn't always easy and it isn't always fair, but when the Turkish
brigade was needed you were there. On behalf of your American friends, thank
At: http://usconsulate-istanbul.org.tr/korea/koreagp.html
And this same unit was to receive a Presidential Unit Citation for its war
efforts. On January 24, 2002, the date marks the 51st Anniversary of the
Turkish Brigade receiving America's presidential citation for valor for its
exemplary combat record during the Korean War and the second ceremony
honoring this occasion. Turkey is also the only nation to receive the
citation twice.
"The unit was deployed along a seven-mile front between I and IX Corps.
Enemy-held hills and Kumyangjang-ni fell to the Turkish Brigade through
bitter hand-to-hand combat. During the Korean War, 741 Turkish soldiers
died, 2,068 were wounded and 407 were missing in action. However, they
inflicted disproportionate casualties on the hostile forces, which reflected
the success of the Turkish contribution to the campaign." At:
'Nuf said.
Harold Stockton
I now understand that the vote I gave in favor of assistance to Turkey was the most fitting vote I gave in my life. Courage, bravery and heroism are the greatest virtues which will sooner or later conquer. In this matter, I know no nation superior to the Turks." - Rose - U.S. Senator
The Turks are the hero of heroes. There is no impossibility for the Turkish Brigade."
- General Douglas MacArthur - United Nations Forces Commander in Chief
from http://www.korean-war.com
"The courageous battles of the Turkish Brigade have created a favorable effect on the whole United Nations Forces." - Time
"The surprise of the Korean battles were not the Chinese but the Turks. It is impossible at this moment to find a word to describe the heroism which the Turks have shown in the battles." - Abent Post
"The Turks have shown in Kunuri a heroism worthy of their glorious history. The Turks have gained the admiration of the whole world through their glorious fighting in the battles." - Figaro
"The Turks who have been known throughout history by their courage and decency, have proved that they have kept these characteristics, in the war which the United Nations undertook in Korea." - Burner - U.S. Congressman
"There is no one left who does not know that the Turks, our valuable allies, are hard warriors and that they have accomplished very great feats at the front." - Claude Pepper, U.S. Senator
"I now understand that the vote I gave in favor of assistance to Turkey was the most fitting vote I gave in my life. Courage, bravery and heroism are the greatest virtues which will sooner or later conquer. In this matter, I know no nation superior to the Turks." - Rose - U.S. Senator
"While the Turks were for a long time fighting against the enemy and dying, the British and Americans were withdrawing. The Turks, who were out of ammunition, affixed their bayonets and attacked the enemy and there ensued a terrible hand to hand combat. The Turks succeeded in withdrawing by continuous combat and by carrying their injured comrades on their backs. They paraded at Pyongyang with their heads held high." - G.G. Martin - British Lieutenant General
"The Turkish forces have shown success above that expected in the battles they gave in Korea." - General Collings - Commander US Army
"We owe the escape of thousands of United Nations troops out of a certain encirclement to the heroism of the Turkish soldiers. The Turkish soldiers in Korea have added a new and unforgettable page of honor to the customs and legends of heroism of the Turkish nation." - Emanuel Shinwell - U.K. Minister of Defense
"The heroic soldiers of a heroic nation, you have saved the Eighth Army and the IX'th Army Crops from encirclement and the 2nd Division from destruction. I came here today to thank you on behalf of the United Nations Army." - General Walton H. Walker, Commander, Eighth Army
"The Turks are the hero of heroes. There is no impossibility for the Turkish Brigade." - General Douglas MacArthur - United Nations Forces Commander in Chief
"The military situation in Korea is being followed with concern by the whole American public. But in these concerned days, the heroism shown by the Turks has given hope to the American nation. It has inculeated them with courage. The American public fully appreciates the value of the services rendered by the Turkish Brigade and knows that because of them the Eighth American Army could withdraw without disarray. The American public understands that the United Nations Forces in Korea were saved from encirclement and from falling in to the hands of the communists by the heroism shown by the Turks." - 2
December 1950, from the commentary of a US radio commentator The Turkish Brigade, as can be understood from the summary of the Kunuri battles and the echoes it produced in the world, had successfully accomplished its mission. The Brigade was proud to have informed the country of the news of success which the state and nation expected, at the highest level. A handful of soldiers had provided the state with power, great opportunities and esteem.
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