The Armenian diaspora spend quite alot of money and time ensuring that Turkey is only known as an evil, all Turks are evil and should be treated as such... This is the only cause they have, to get the Turks to admit to the word, then follow up with claim for land, compensation etc... The entire political system and economy of Armenia depends on this tactic working.. This is why every generation of Armenians breads hatred into the new one. Why else do you think after 94 years, this issue has not dissapeared into the relms of history? After all, the Turks were tried on the Island of Malta by the English and found innocent. (More about this later) Justice was done.

On the other side of the world however, in Yerevan, millions turn out to the shrine of lies... the Turkish flag is burnt, trod upon and chants are made. People carying signs displaying figures around 1500 000 (this figure started with 300 000 back in the early part of the century, but apparantly, Armenian lives are indexed to CPI) .... Same thing each year....
Pictured is Armenian Chidren burning the Turkish Flag at this years gathering of liers... If this is what you teach your children, how are we supposed to move on as humans?
Oh, and guess what Pres. Obama said during his speech on the issue... As he is a politician, he did what all politicians are good at, he played with words and voters trying to please everybody. You ask the Armenian Diaspora, they will tell you they arent happy with Pres. Obama's speech, the Turks also arent happy... Pres. Obama should leave it to the historians, had he been a corageous man, he would have said this during his speech.
On a further note to Obama's speech, the Armenians are not happy!!! Below are some examples from their posts in the first day alone:
"...Until recently, however, I would have regarded him as no worse than a weasel, a common creature in politics. But, Obama’s recent reneging on his promise to Armenians makes him nothing less than–there is no other word–a piece of scum."
"...Make no mistake about it. Obama is scum and no other word will do. Anyone who politicizes a great tragedy of the 20th century for short- term political gain is scum. Anyone who does it so easily, smoothly, and glibly is a liar and swindler."
"You are correct indeed, Andrea. He is scum maybe only scum need apply for that job"
Just like always, the Armenian's loved Obama (Clinton, Bush, et al.) until he was not assisting them with their cause, driven by their inner hatred for Turks and all things Turkish. Armenians have a great prejudice of Turks and try have them alienated from any society. Once they could see this wasnt going to plan, they do what comes natural. They chastise, badmouth and critisize the man. This is how Armenians behave in their natural habitat, once confronted with the truth.
The Turkish Government on the other hand has been calling for National Archives of Russia, France, England, Armenia and the US to be openned, researched and a decision made based on factual evidence by an independent team of researchers consisting of specialists from the above mentioned countries. This has been the stand of the Turkish Government since day 1. Armenia's answer to this is "Only after you admit to the claim of "Genocide". (Remember when they used to burn witches at the steak, or bound them and throw them in deep water to see if they sank??)
I have been doing some extensive research on this topic myself to broaden the novice... (I will blog this informaition below and give references. I have deliberately not used Turkish sources, as they could be "biased".) However, I trust that most Armenians will not be aware of what I am about to disclose as the Armenian Diaspora has been, to their credit, very active and effective in keeping the truth from the majority of the world population.
The truth is, when politicians accept the Armenian claim, and reaserch it themselves, consult some academics and historians the majoirty of them change their mind...
Some interesting facts about the "Genocide" claim:
Below is a list of non Turkish who reject, or consider the issue controversial:
1- Batkay, William, Associate Professor of Political Science, Montclair State University;
2 - Childs, Timothy (dec.), former Professor of Ottoman History, Johns Hopkins University;
3 - Courbage, Youssef, Researcher, National Institute of Demographic Studies, Paris France.
4 - Cuthell, David C., Executive Director of the Institute of Turkish Studies and AssociateProfessor of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University;
5 - Davison, Roderic (dec.), former Professor of Ottoman and Turkish history, GeorgeWashington University;
6 - Duben, Alan, Professor of History, Istanbul Bilgi University;
7 - Dumont, Paul, Chairman of Turcology Department, March Bloch University, Strasbourg, France;
8 - Dunér, Bertil, former Senior Researcher, The Swedish Institute of International Affairs,Stockholm, Sweden;
9 - Dyer, Gwynne, Ph.D. in Ottoman Military history and Journalist;
10 - Erickson, Edward J., researcher at Birmingham University,
11 - Retired Lieutenant-Colonel (U.S. Army);Fargues, Philippe, Senior Research, National Institute of Demographic Studies, Paris, France;
12 - Fromkin, David, Professor of International Relations, History, and Law, BostonUniversity;
13 - Georgeon, François, Senior researcher, (CNRS) National Center for Scientific Research,Paris, France;
14 - Gunter, Michael M., Professor of Political Science, Tennessee Technical University;
15 - Hurewitz, Jacob Coleman (dec.), former Professor of Middle Eastern Politics, Columbia University;
16 - Jäckel, Eberhard, Professor Emeritus of Modern World History, Stuttgart University;
17 - Levy, Avigdor, Professor of Near Eastern and Judaic Studies, Brandeis University;
18 - Lewis, Bernard, Professor Emeritus of Middle Eastern History, Princeton University;
19 - Lewy, Guenter, Professor Emeritus of Middle Eastern History, MassachusettsUniversity;
20 - Lowry, Heath, M. Kemal Ataturk Professor of Ottoman and Modern Turkish Studies,Princeton University;
21 - Mango, Andrew, Author, Historian and Researcher, University of London;
22 - Mantran, Robert, (dec.) Former Professor of Turcology, University of Aix-Marseille,France;
23 - McCarthy, Justin, Professor of History, University of Louisville;
24 - Nora, Pierre, former Professor of Contemporary History, The School of High Studies inSocial Sciences (EHESS, Paris), Member of the French academy, Paris, France;
25 - Oberling, Pierre, Professor of Ethonology, Hunter College, CUNY;Rémond René (dec.), former president, The National Foundation of Political Sciences, Paris;
26 - Roux, Jean-Paul, Former Director of Research (CNRS), National Center for ScientificResearch , Paris, France;
27 - Rustow, Dunkwart A. (dec.), former Distinguished Professor of History, CUNYGraduate School;
28 - Salt, Jeremy, Visiting Associate Professor, Bilkent University;
29 - Shaw, Stanford J. (dec.), former Professor of Ottoman and Turkish History, UCLA;
30 - Stone, Norman, Professor of International Relations, Bilkent University;
31 - Strachan, Hew, Professor of Contemporary History, Oxford University;
32 - Veinstein, Gilles, Professor of Turkish and Ottoman History, Collège de France;
33 - Wieviorka, Annette, Senior Researcher (CNRS), National Center for Scientific Research, Paris, France;
34 - Williams, Brian, Associate Professor of History, University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth;
35 - Yapp, Malcolm E., Professor Emeritus of History, University of London, School of Oriental and African Studies;
36 - Zarcone, Thierry, Senior Researcher in Turkish history (CNRS), National Center for Scientific Research, Paris, France.
37 - Zeidner, Robert F., Ph.D. in Ottoman History, University of Utah.
The "Genocide" claims are:
— A thesis highly critized by the majority of historians specialist of Ottoman history, like Bernard Lewis, and authors who worked about the 1915-1916 events, like Guenter Lewy;
— A one-sided thesis, who forgott the massacres perpetrated by Armenian gangs, especially between 1914 and 1922 (see the archeological evidence of it:;
— A tool of Russia orchestrated to divide NATO and the European Union;
— A way for nationalist Armenian parties (Dashnak, Hunchak, Ramkavar) to control millions of people, who should not be called "Armenians", but Americans, French or Australians;
— A way of demonization of the whole Turkish people, called "Turco-Mongol killers" by many Armenian activists.
While the unsuspecting public may be forgiven for taking the blatant and ceaseless Armenian propaganda at face value and believing Armenian falsifications merely because they are repeated so often, (do some research on how much money, time and effort is spent by the Armenians worldwide on this cause.) it is difficult and painful for anybody who has some abitlity to do some unbiased research.
Allogations of the so called "Genocide" are RACIST and dishonest because they ignore and fail to acknowledge the Muslim population killed during the same years. The numbers of Muslims killed are much higher than the Armenian allogations of 1500 000.
They are dishonest because the dismiss the below:
1 - TUMULT (as in numerous Armenian armed uprisings between 1882 and 1920)
2 - TERRORISM (by well-armed Armenian nationalists and militias victimizing Ottoman-Muslims between 1882-1920)
3 - TREASON (Armenians joining the invading enemy armies as early as 1914 and lasting until 1921)
4 - TERRITORIAL DEMANDS (where Armenians were a minority, not a majority, attempting to establish Greater Armenia, the would-be first apartheid of the 20th Century with a Christian minority ruling over a Muslim majority )
5 - TURKISH SUFFERING AND LOSSES (i.e. those caused by the Armenian nationalists: 524,000 Muslims, mostly Turks, met their tragic end at the hands of Armenian revolutionaries during WWI, per Turkish Historical Society. This figure is not to be confused with about 2.5 million Muslim dead who lost their lives due to non-Armenian causes during WWI. Grand total: more than 3 million, according to Prof. Justin McCarthy.)
6 - TERESET (temporary resettlement) triggered by the first five T’s above and amply documented as such; not to be equated to the Armenian misrepresentations as genocide.)
Further notes on the term "Genocide"
1 - Genocide is a legal, technical term precisely defined by the U.N. 1948 convention (Like all proper laws, it is not retroactive to 1915.)
2- Genocide verdict can only be given by a "competent court" after "due process" where both sides are properly represented and evidence mutually cross examined.
3- For a genocide verdict, the accusers must prove “intent” at a competent court and after due process. The Armenians throughout the 94 years have failed to present a case. The presented evidence mostly falls into five major categories: hearsay, mis-representations, exaggerations, forgeries, and “other”.
4- Such a "competent court" was never convened in the case of Turkish-Armenian conflict and a genocide verdict does not exist (save a Kangaroo court in occupied Istanbul in 1920 where partisanship, vendettas, and revenge motives left no room for due process.)
5- The Genocide claim is political, not historical or factual. It reflects bias against Turks. Therefore, the term genocide must be used with the qualifier "alleged", for scholarly objectivity and truth.
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