On the left hand side (above), the original photograph of Ataturk were taken in 1924 and signed by Ataturk himself as he presented them to his wife, Latife Hanim.
The right hand side has the same picture docted by Armenians who are well versed at forging documents and lying to the general public. Also the original photograph of a dead child is dispayed on the far right. According to historian Dr. Turkaya Ataov, the photo of the child is from WWII era. My question is were Dr Vahram Shemassian, Kassakhian and Dr Levon Marashlian aware of these forgeries and decide to accept their names being printed on this lie campagne? (You cant be too careful with these lying Armenians!)
Pictured also is the infamous "Tower of Sculls".
The Armenians claimed this was a picture of some of the sculls after the attocities commited to them. There claim went on to say the Turks had skinned them and made pyramids of them throughout Anatolia. These pictures were sent from Iran to Latin America, from Germany to Bulgaria.
A book published in 1980 at Göttingen and Viyana had this picture on its cover with "Turkish Barbarianism" as the title. The picture was dated 1916-17
The painting actually belongs to a Russian artist named Vasili Vereşçagin and is titled "Shrine of War". Vasili Vereşçagin was born in 1842 and died in 1904. He had nothing whatsover to do with the Armenian Issue.
Vereşçagin completed his painting in 1871.
Needless to say, when it was presented to the UN by V. N. Sofinsky, it was not taken seriously.
But the above two samples are irrevocable examples of how the Armenians are liars and cowardly, who will stop at nothing to ensure the usupecting public beleive their claims...
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