Saturday, May 2, 2009

Archives of Other Countries...

British Archives

The British archives (, are mostly made up of communications and information submitted by British Foreign Office employees and diplomats.

British Ambassador in Istanbul, Sir Henry Layard's communication with Babiali. - October 24th 1878 - British Archives: FO 424/76 #23 enclosure. Ottoman request for 6 million pounds loan. - FO 424/73 #261 Ismail Hakki Pasha was informed by his government and Sir Henry Layard (British Ambassador to the Ottoman Empire) to provide security and protection for Armenians and to be aware of Russian interests to incite rebellion. - British Archives: FO 424/74 #388 enclosure.

United States Archives
Many of the documents in U.S. archives seem to be telegrams, usually involving Henry Morganthau and sometimes Morganthau's memoirs are referenced.
American Consul J. B. Jackson reports to Henry Morgenthau of 500,000 Armenian immigrants in Syria receiving US aid during the Armenian Relocation laws (Tehcir Law) in 1916. 625,000 Armenian survivors by 1921. Governor of Der-El-Zor, built homes for Armenians, and sought to provide food, clothing, and medical care. Zenop Bezjian, representative of Armenian Protestants asked Henry Morgenthau for help in the various camps of relocated Armenians. Bezjian said Zenop Bezjian wrote:Armenians at [Der-el] Zor are fairly satisfied; they have already settled down to business and are earning their livings."p. 216

Russian Archives
See previuos post...

Armenian Archives
Among Armenian sources are the Armenian Patriarchate and Armenian scholars, professors, historians, government officials, and authors. Armenian National Archives have been locked for years, the Armenian government has been called to open their archives multiple times by the Turkish government and historical organizations.
The Armenian National Delegation was headed by Boghos Nubar Pasha, who said on May 24, 1917 to the Allies: Boghos Nubar Pasha wrote:

Notwithstanding the large number of victims of massacres and deporations, most of the Armenians have been able to escape or survive extermination.p. 237

Armenian Population
Armenian population in Ottoman Turkey according to different Armenian sources:
Pasdermadjian in his book states: 2,100,000.
Richard Hovannisian states: 1,500,000-2,000,000.
Armenian clerical writer, Vahan Vardapet, states in an Armenian published Newspaper in Constantinople, the Djeridei Sharkieh on December, 1886: 1,263,000

Foreign Sources
This area has archival material of a variety of European and non-European nations that are not large enough to include in other sections.

Armenian Population
Vital Cuinet who researched the Armenian population in the Ottoman Empire on behalf of the Debt Commission (because the Ottomans had to pay their debts to Europe), he reports the following:
- Muslim: 14,856,118
- Armenian: 1,475,011
- Other Christians: 1,285,853
- Jewish: 123,947
- Foreigners: 170,822
Total: 17,911,751

The statistics by Vital Cuinet appear in the French Yellow Book and thus were accepted as the official numbers prior to the war.

1912-1913 - An Armenian, Marcel Leart states the Armenian population in Ottoman Turkey as 1,018,000 in all Turkish provinces of Erzurum, Van, Bitlis, Harput, Diyarbekir, Sivas. Marcel Leart's real name was Krikor Zohrap. 1913

- Ludovic de Constenson states that the Armenian population in the world is 3,100,000; in Turkey as 1,400,000; in Russia 1,550,000.

Lynch states in his book that the Armenian population in the Ottoman Empire was 1,325,246.
Viconte de Coursons wrote in his book that he used Cuinet's figures. Alexander Powell explains that the Armenian population in Turkey was 1,500,000. Christopher Walker states the Armenian population in Turkey was between 1,500,000-2,000,000. Clair Price reports that prior to World War I there were 1,000,000 Armenians in Turkey.
1910 edition of Encyclopaedia Britannica states the Armenian population in Turkey: 1,500,000.
The article was written by a British author. 1953 edition of Encyclopaedia Britannica states the Armenian population in Turkey: 2,500,550.
The article was written by an Armenian author.

Ottoman Archives
Ottoman-Turkish Archives are accessible today in Istanbul, Turkey. They have been open beginning in the 1980s but many archives were not cataloged in the initial opening.
Today, most of what relates to the Armenian Genocide allegations have been uncovered and new research has changed historians' beliefs about the alleged Armenian Genocide.

The Decree of Return - Permission for Armenians to return to their homes in the Ottoman Empire.
Telegram about methods used to transport the Armenians. Protection to be given to Armenian Convoys during the Tehcir (Relocation) Law.
Armenian Children being returned to their families in the Ottoman Empire. Appendices Warrant of arrest for Turkish Gendarmes who failed to protect Armenian convoys as part of their duty (sending them to Court-Martial) on 6 September 1915.
Warrant of arrest for Kaymakam (District Governor) of Aziziye for crimes against Armenians.
Warrant for arrest of Kaymakam of Tonos (October 24, 1915)
Return of Armenian property from storage to their rightful Armenian owners. March 20, 1919 - 232,617 Armenians and Greeks returned to the Ottoman Empire and received their property and valuables temporarily being stored for them.
Armenian Population
In 1893: 1,157,519
In 1905: 1,173,233
In 1914: 1,294,851

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